Best Floorstanding Speakers Buyers Guide 2023 !

The $37K Acora Acoustics SRC-2 Loudspeakers were the Only Speakers Period to get an Summit Award, the Very Best Award you can get from them ! 😲




I have a (useless) geology degree and can confirm that the stone used in these Acora speakers is closer to Gabbro than Granite. Granite is typically pink-ish (potassium feldspar minerals) with tranparent bits (quartz) and some white/blackish bits (plagioclase, muscovite, biotite...). The naming of a stone has a lot to do with the mineral composition. Granite is an umbrella term which groups different stones which vary in composition. Gabbro is a greyish rock with a similar texture to granite. The mineral composition is different in gabbro. So non-geologists just group rocks by texture, neglecting the composition. 

The "It's not granite, it's gabbro" sentence is something you hear a lot during the 2nd year of the undergrad degree. It gives you the illusion that you're smarter than the average jock. I have yet to find a practical use for this knowledge. 

The SRC-2 look like tombstones. Imagine these next to a bouquet of flowers. Gruesome...

@kokakolia geology is like meteorology except 1 minute = 10,000 years! :)

It's so not useless

@grislybutter At my count, there are 3 'best' floorstanding speakers under $5k on that list. To earn ANY credibility, I would suggest that such a list should be made up of speakers 80% be under $5k, 15% under $10k, 4% under $50k, 1% over $50k.