Best Floorstanding Speakers Buyers Guide 2023 !

The $37K Acora Acoustics SRC-2 Loudspeakers were the Only Speakers Period to get an Summit Award, the Very Best Award you can get from them ! 😲




@grislybutter At my count, there are 3 'best' floorstanding speakers under $5k on that list. To earn ANY credibility, I would suggest that such a list should be made up of speakers 80% be under $5k, 15% under $10k, 4% under $50k, 1% over $50k. 



I don't think parttimeaudiophile is all that concerned with credibility. But it's pretentious to call it buyer's guide. None of the big review sites have ever done anything comprehensive that would entitle them to call their lists "buyer's guide". (Stereophile, maybe?)

They should call it "list of [X] we like"

and you are right, it's always tilted to the pricy categories. I guess
"audiophile" to people with access to the most expensive models means that: speakers for a price of a used or new car.