Help needed with Rattle in my floorstanding speakers.

Help and suggestions needed with a rattling noise in my speakers.

I was playing a song called fading sun by Terje Isungset and it has the deepest bass note I have ever heard and one of my floorstanding speakers had a very noticeable rattle that I can hear coming from the upper part of the cabinet with the lowest bass note of the track. Not sure why but what is your recommendation to locate and hopefully fix this rattle. Thank you!


I tighten my drivers yearly, mine have removable backs and all drivers are fastened from within.

Otherwise, you will need to remove them, I would do them all at once, perhaps adding bullet connectors in-line for easier access.


If insulation, you can remove existing, partially or all, and replace with polyfill, I got mine from Walmart, one small bag expands to a heck of a lot.

Once, when a woofer was facing down (speakers on 8" high open base, a buzz turned out to be a staple that had fallen out and landed on the back of the cone. i.e. you never know, just be thourough.