If we simplify to the maximum...
one piece of the argument is the body, another piece of the argument is the mind-soul...
Only one hand cannot clap , it takes two hands to make sound... Any argument has two sides also at least... It is in fact multidimensional... our attention is not...
And we dont understand quantum mechanics for the same reason we do not understand sound-hearing and even the Bible...😊
There is at least two levels of experience and meanings and of symbolic forms here...
There is physical MEASURABLE phenomenon in the horizontal dimension, but there is also a vertical non measurable level , the natural qualitative experienced phenomenon..
Physical measured VIRTUAL objects are not = to ACTUAL natural phenomenon...Natural phenomenon are not reducible to their physical measurable dimensions... History of science is to be understood as a spiralling move around this problem... It was not the case in the Platonic inspired unity of experience of Aristotelean times... It became conscious after nominalism in the 12th century, as a division more from the Galileean-Cartesian era... There is no nominalism at the focus center in the unitive Logos greek era...( anglo-saxon nominalism oppose logos phenomenological experience in german influenced cultures for example )
This is why sciences exist in the plural specialized diversities of all fields, under some necessary philosophical reflection, and cannot replace it; sciences did not exist at all as the totalitarian singular unidirectional mode of knowing where scientism-techno idolatry and blinders, or bad vulgarisation , want to established it for corporate and political interests...Or if we simplify for the express needs condition the crowd minds and cobntrol them as we have seen not long ago for those who use long term memory ....😁
«Do not say hypothesis, and even less theory: say way of thinking. »Lichtenberg
«A leg of mutton is better than nothing,
Nothing is better than Heaven,
Therefore a leg of mutton is better than Heaven. »
Lichtenberg, the greatest humpback scientist of all times with Steinmetz perhaps ... 😁