Dust Removal

We live on a dirt road and thanks to certain neighbors who refuse to slow down, we are constantly wiping dust off horizontal surfaces in our house. I'm sure there must be dust inside my components but am not sure of the best way to deal with it.

Blow it out w/ compressed air?

Use a vacuum?  


I really feel for you, having to live (survive?) under those circumstances. We were making such progress as a species only to have the bar lowered.

All the best,


Unfortunately, one guy’s Dark Age is another guy’s Golden Age.

How can humanity move forward if a large percentage want to go back... and if one guy’s forward is another guy’s back?

In a rural area such as this, prone to both intense snow events and intense wildfires, no one can really afford to allow personal politics/culture war attitudes to define interactions with others. It comes down to survival.

It’s galling that a whole Lotta folks seem to have no regard or conception of, what used to be known as the social contract but I don’t see anything’s to be gained by confrontation. I’d just as soon not know about my neighbors’ politics. It's a matter of practicality.





That's some of the finest advice and way of looking at life I've heard. You've adapted to your surroundings ensuring your survival and safety. 

I grew up in a time when the neighbors on both sides of my parents house could just walk right in, as well as we in theirs. We'd have summer water fights that involved an entire block or two. We could always count on each other for that emergency ride to the hospital of if the car broke down, a ride to the supermarket or school event.

My dad used to work at the studios and he'd bring home 16mm versions of movies and TV shows. He'd set up in the driveway with a big pull down screen and spool the film up in the projector. My mom would make the popcorn, hot dogs and set out the chips and sodas along with the seating. When the sun went down, the neighbors would all gather round and we'd watch the shows. 

Now it's every man for themselves and who can be the local warlord. They'd laugh at the notion of any kind of social contract unless they are the ones dictating it, regardless of how you feel about it.

Sounds like you'd be a great neighbor.

All the best,

The dust storms in the California desert are just awful. They are bad enough to ruin the paint on cars! With that and five dogs in the house, I had to sweep and vacuum everyday.

On the other topic, when I got up here to my sister’s house in S. Washington she had a lawn sign that proclaimed "Black Lives Matter". I don’t believe in subjecting others to your unsolicited opinions (some here may find that claim specious ;-), and took it down.

Beside getting way from the desert dust, my new listening room sounds fantastic, and the neighborhood is the quietest I’ve ever lived in. Plus there are lots of great local record stores, good sounding small music venues (this past Wednesday I saw Joe Henry live in a beautiful old church in Portland), and cool weather. Those 115-120 degree days in the desert got to be real old!

These people are driving up and down your private road? Are they also residents of the private road? If not, I would be considering a gate and appropriate signage. I totally understand the points you've made but surely there comes a limit to what one must tolerate of those who cannot see beyond what directly influences them.