Room divider

I would like some feedback from people who use a room divider. My listening room is rather a lot longer than wider. So my listening area is about half the length of my total room. The other end is more of a sitting area with a couch and chair coffee table and end tables. It’s really my Rolling Stones room where I have all my Rolling Stones autographs hung on my walls. Anyway I was thinking about a room divider behind my listening chair when I’m the only one listening to music. Would this be a good idea for better sound as to keep more of it in my listening area ? Anyone have any thoughts or have done the same ? 

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«Music is the only screen behind God and us, but this screen is more a revelatory veil than a hiding  screen  and anyway  it is not a foldable one »-- Anonymus foldable screen designer... 😊


Correct, my screen is behind a side chair, not my listening position. If it were, I would never place it that close behind me. 

I have a good 8’ or so behind my listening location, which also serves well to allow the room to be involved.

@tattooedtrackman be careful dividing the room. With large speakers you might end up overloading the space. Right now it’s open and has less sound quality impacting properties than a smaller room would have. Overloading is a difficult problem to address. I would leave it alone.

I would not recommend a screen behind you. I tried a folding screen like bleske’s behind me and it messed up the sound. My listening area opens into the rest of the space and sounds much better that way.

@audphile1 @noromance after thinking about that I have to agree with you both. When I first saw bkeske picture I thought he had the divider in back of his listening chair. Didn’t realize it was on the side of his room. I will leave it alone. Plus it’s only 13 ft from the back of my listening chair to the end of room. I do have very good sound already.I tried to send a pic but don’t know understand how to post with a post. Don’t understand about URL lol.