Best speaker for songs like Heart - Alone

I have tried to get help with finding speakers (and amp) recently on this forum, but with no luck. I try again with an other topic.

What speaker (and amp) plays Heart - Alone in the best way? ALL high-end speakers I have heard plays this song very bad. It's way too bright and hard, specially in the chorus, and it's lacks of bass so it sounds thin.

I want the song to be soft and relaxed in treble, and there should be good bass in the song.

If I play this song on a cheap boomblaster on my car stereo it sounds really good, but on a $10.000 stereo system it always sounds very bad.

It's frustrating, because I want to buy a good system (cheap speakers can't play very deep bass and are not always so punchy in the bass), but I can't find anything that works.

I don't want vintage equipment. It must be possible to buy it new. EQ is of course an opportunity, but anywat I want suggestions for speakers and amp that plays this 80's hard rock music in a good way.

Given your responses, Rockpanther, this may be one of the few times in my life I would suggest an older used speaker, despite your desire for new. If you go new, with your budget you will likely sacrifice bass extension, which I can't see you enjoying. An older, very capable floor standing speaker might also be warmer; I'm thinking of Vandersteen 2CE or similar, which I owned long ago. These, and other Vandersteen 1, 2 or 3 series earlier speakers can be found in abundance, they have very respectable sound, and will not be fatiguing/harsh. You can also afford them if you don't have thousands to throw around.

You may also wish to go hear a panel speaker, because they sound quite different and you may love what they do. But be careful, because they can sound a bit unforgiving in the high end. Usually you can work with the treble.
Magnepan is everywhere, so listen to one and you'll know if it's a flavor of sound you like. It is definitely worth your time to check it out. The bass is thinner with a panel speaker typically, but you can supplement it with a subwoofer and get plenty of boom. For your interests it may be a winning idea. :)

When i was starting out Vandersteen and Magnepan were two speakers I could afford and kept me satisfied... for a while. :)

there are 2 paths to choose;
since the song is 80's Rock, you can go vintage and look into Infinity speakers- I suggest the Crescendo series.
Or, you can buy newer designed loudspeakers like my reference, Thiel. I suggest the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7.
These speakers are simply outdtanding- you can use solid-state / Tubed gear. Keep me posted & Happy Listening! JA
Interesting... I was going to recommend Vandersteen 2's also. I think It might be the sound Panther is after.
02-22-15: Rockpanther
Thanks for some suggestions folks! I have not got many specific recommendations of speakers and amp. So I hope for more suggestions what to check out!
It's more important for me to compromise, it's not so important that fantastic recordings sounds fantastic. A fantastic recording can sound "great" in my ears as long as bad recordings sounds "good".
Is it so difficult to find a system that plays (fexample) this song in a good way?
Rockpanther, perhaps you glossed over my post dated 02-20-15 where I recommended Green Mountain Audio Eos & Rio stand-mount speakers. This manuf also has a floor-stander - Calypso HD.
Green Mountain Audio speakers are time-coherent speakers & they will severely reduce the phase distortion you are hearing from your current speakers. These speakers will exactly what you wrote - make bad recordings sound "good" & make a fantastic recording sound "great". Here is a link to their website:

What a "coincidence" that Doug Schroeder, Jafant, B_limo have also suggested other time-coherent speakers - Vandersteen & Thiel!!! Again, they are also recommending minimal phase distortion speakers. IMO, it's the only way to go (time-coherent speakers, i.e.).
OHM 100, 1000 or 2000 with 80w/ch + of good amplification (I recommend Class D) would do the trick in most rooms.