The lab was designed by French technology State sponsored..
And the virus come from a "random" accident... Perhaps... 😊
And Bill Gates multiply his money by "randomness" luck... I am not sure about this ... Etc...
The origin of life too is supposed to be only pure "randomness" for lazy brain materialist thinker ...😉
But at the end something control even randomness and assign limits to it...It is mathematical ...
i dont believe in pure abstract empty order nor in absolute randomness, i believe in orchestrated rythms...
Some call it "complotism" ... Some other call it "music" ...
I call it number theory and politic of power...
By the way, the qualitative aspects of these orchestrated rythms are the BASIS of the Yi ching book , Leibnitz so admired , creating the binary calculus and searching for his characteristica universalis...
Leibnitz too never believe in absolute randomness... I am not alone... 😊