Network Acoustics Muon ethernet filtering system - Improving streaming sound quality

Network Acoustics recently rolled out a new top tier ethernet filtering system named Muon. It betters their already highly effective ENO offering which I purchased some 18 months ago.  I posted about the ENO filtering system back then and you can read it at the link located at the bottom of this member review.  

Everything I said about the ENO filtering system also applies to the new Muon system.  However, the Muon system offers even better sound quality by removing a greater amount of electronic and RFI/EMI noise.  The Muon filter is a passive device so their is no need for a power supply or power cord. That’s great! 

Like many of my fellow Agoners, I have come to depend on Qobuz and Tidal streaming for my music playback. I have not used any physical media in over 5 years, but also realize today’s servers/streamers can all benefit from digital noise blocking systems such as the Muon.  From high end audio switches to high quality ethernet cables I have learned they can all improve the sound quality of our streaming front ends.  I have tried going the fiber optic route and used other products such as the EtherRegen and while they do improve sound quality I find  the MUON system more musically engaging and compelling.  Here is my current digital front end:

(Netgear NighHawk modem/router powered by an LPS > Network Acoustics ENO ethernet cable> English Electric 8Switch powered by an LPS > Network Acoustics MUON ethernet cable > MUON ethernet filter > Innuos Zenith III >  Tchernov Ultimate USB cable -Mojo Audio Evo dac)

The MUON system is made up of the MUON filter and Muon ethernet cable.  You can buy these separately, but you’ll receive a nice discount by buying both as a system package. Here is a link to the Network Acoustics Website:

I purchased the MUON system and have been enjoying it for several months now.  I feel it betters the ENO range in several important sonic ways. The noise floor is further reduced revealing more inner detail of instrument and voice.  This increased inner detail reveals subtleties previously lost.  In the end my music sounds more real and less reproduced. For me, improving realism is everything! 

With streaming it seems more difficult to obtain a nice 3D presentation as compared to a high end CD spinner.   Sometimes streaming can sound relatively flat compared to CD playback.  I found the Muon filter system delivered a more immersive experience due in large part to improving the 3D performance.   

For me the Muon filter is well worth the asking price as it made my listening sessions even more enjoyable. The rest of my system includes a Circle Labs A200 integrated amp, Fyne F704 speakers with upgraded crossovers and internal wire, and both Hijiri & Tchernov cabling.  












I bet the sound is stunning but some of us don’t fancy the ‘clutter’ with a pair of fmc’s and a network switch. That’s 3 boxes plus 3 LPS not to mention the extra power cords for LPS.

Lalitk that is very understandable i use one Lps with a nice power cord 

I do understand clutter is a eye sore I have it all looking non cluttered 

probably would not have gone this route if not for the Lumin u2 having fiber 

input it’s one of those things I can’t unhear like I mentioned I use 1 fmc powered by the same lps that powers the English electric switch I do

believe the network acoustic system would look more tidy 

“probably would not have gone this route if not for the Lumin u2 having fiber ”@kefman1 

That’s totally understandable. I would have pursued fiber as well if my streamer came with fiber input. One could eliminate the fmc conversion box by implementing a switch like SOtM sNH-10G. 

I hate to rain on Network Acoustics parade but they do have a competitor if you are willing to go to 5k price, the Waversa LAN EXT Reference.

There is a new switch btw from Network Acoustics:

Sounds so promising (and along with my MUON Pro excitement) that I decided to order one :)