DAC contest: Border Patrol Sei or Chord Qutest?

I had a thread about CD transports hijacked by a member who insisted that I had to ditch the Border Patrol before doing anything else in my system. No idea how he landed on the Chord, but he did.

So, here you are... a place to stomp some more on the Border Patrol and praise the Chord... lol.


Troidelover1499 I had a similar experience as the setup used to demo a pair of speakers I bought used border patrol SEi. It was my foray back into hifi a couple of years ago. At the time I hadn’t heard other DACs so I didn’t know any better and bought one. Someone loaned me an Ayre codex and the difference was striking. While a little rough, the codex had much more detail. From there I moved on to the Ayre QB9 Twenty - another move up in SQ. My latest iteration is a DAC built into a SS integrated amp which, with my current cable setup, sounds even better to my old ears. Sometimes wish I could experiment with more DACs and cables because I believe that’s where the most sound variation exists. It’s an expensive hobby!!


i totally agree... the bp is built for a certain kind of presentation, that is valued and appreciated for certain listeners and certain systems needing the ’calm’ and ’musicality’, whereas the chord and others of its ilk is for those on the opposite end of the sonic spectrum seeking zip, spice, attack and so on

one is not better than other, synergy and subjective preference always rules - rich creamy mashed potatoes versus a spicy caesar

in this op’s case, i mentioned the other extreme for dac presentation as he was looking for ’next level’, whatever that means

@hysteve i.e. "the difference was striking...". "Sometimes wish I could experiment with more DACs and cables because I believe that’s where the most sound variation exists. It’s an expensive hobby!!"


It’s been a surprise to me how various dacs can sound so different from one to the next. Using @jjjsss’s example, how much salt/pepper/spice should someone add to food starts with tasting and describing the taste before adding anything at all.

Until someone like the OP can actually describe what they are hearing or missing (in great detail - with comparison examples) the whole idea of anyone asking which daca vs. dacb is better, or what to buy, is kinda pointless and difficult to answer to.  



At what point you are going to stop asking the same questions to almost every post in Audiogon?

It would be most helpful if you could share what improvements you’re looking for, what sound characteristics are most important to you, and what other equipment is in your system.  You’ll get much better and more useful recommendations sharing this critical info, and as it stands I’ve no way to make a meaningful recommendation despite wanting to try to help if possible.

At what point you are going to stop asking the same questions to almost every post in Audiogon?

@lordrootman What exactly is your issue with me asking these critical questions? I ask them over and over again because posters here frequently don’t share near enough information to make an informed and truly useful recommendation, and I don’t like wasting my time throwing darts at a dartboard while blindfolded — got better things to do with my time. I’m here because I really like trying to help people if at all possible and if I have something to offer, but that requires some key info otherwise it’s like a patient going to the doctor and not sharing his symptoms leaving the doctor to just guess. Get it? If you don’t like my posts you’re perfectly free to just skip them, but a lot of people here have been pretty appreciative of my help over the years largely because I ask these critical questions. If you like throwing useless darts while blindfolded and just get off on telling people what YOU like regardless of whether it’s appropriate for what the OP is actually  looking for, well, you do you and I’ll do me and the audio world keeps spinning. Jeez. Really???