@mulveling ...
The amp's form factor is absolutely a big deal.
Well, yuh....but ones' personal form factor remains the bottom line, esp. when the hands hit the chassis... Unless your posted pic is a file photo from youth gone by, you've got a built-in 'cheat'. *mock grumble* And it's vaguely reassuring that the 300s' pose a challenge to you, Commanding Grips notwithstanding.... ;)
Amps and speakers are the bane of most 'philes...those who gravitate to tubed power and large drivers risk damage of varied forms when age is an issue we can't ignore no more. I'm only half kidding about a lightweight platform on wheels that could extract, lower/move/raise. and deliver the goods to the new space....
As for mahgs' Krells....the 'light industrial' variant would have to be 'beefy' (and no carpeted floors, nooo....). *L*
"Are you available on an 'on-call' basis?" 😏 (He prays i'm kidding....)