Chord Qutest——>No difference

Just picked up a pre-owned Chord Qutest (off Audiogon) and hear no difference against my Bluesound Node’s internal DAC. The two are connected via a Chord Company:

  • C-USB Cable - Type A to B

The Node registers the Qutest, which seems to be operational bc the sample rate indicator changes color. Still, it sounds the same.

Am I missing something?




If you want a DAC with a sonic signature get one with a tube output stage, like a Lampizator. Then you can tube roll to your heart's content!

The component with the higher output voltage will always sound better. That's a quirk of human hearing.

One of my biggest AHA moments was the first time I heard a friend's Qutest.  I have since bought DAVE. There is a huge difference.

Count your blessings and save your money if you don't sense a difference.


@teh_chucksta 2v was the best setting in my system when I had the Qutest. 
I’d recommend to run and listen to the Qutest for at least 2-3 days with the DAC constantly on…do not unplug it. 
Once you get a hang of what it is doing, switch back to BS. 

I had the same problem when I purchased the Qutest to go with the Blusound. I heard a difference but nothing to get too excited about. UNTIL... I bought a used Audioquest Diamond BNC/RCA cable. Using the BNC connection with a good cable made a big difference. Hope this helps.