Will China become the poor man’s dealer for high end audio?

With the insane prices now being asked for audio equipment from manufacturers around the globe is china going to fill in the gap between the haves and have-nots.? We are already seeing some signs of this with manufacturers like Jays Audio and Denafrips offering product-performance prices below global market value. The only thing I see holding them back is they will always be one leg behind the rest of the world since they copy most of the technology they use and world wide acceptance.


After all that i have said about chinese people creativity, i want to be clear now , the CCP is not china , but an abominable dictatorship of the worst kind imposed upon china... There is no choice nor any freedom in China...  I hope to be clear...

Some here will never get it through their heads that Taiwan is the true China and the mainland is just a Communist charade. Generalities need not apply.

All the best,

Will China become the poor man’s dealer for high end audio?

Remember all, that was the original question.  Not does China have a long and rich history.  Not a question even remotely connected to the entire population of China.  Not a question related to Chinese capability in other areas of technology, real or imaginary proposed in a study.

Innovation has been thrown around as a talking point.  An overused term diluted by legions of marketing departments.  Tweaking well established designs is not innovation.  Combining old and new technology (tubes and solid state) is not innovation.  Flashy packaging is not innovation.  Real innovation is solving a problem or need with a new, different, and never done before approach.

Topping has made a name with good measuring products that are inexpensive.  Is that innovation?  NO.  Simply cutting costs to the minimum, particularly labor and quality.  Cost more to repair a failure than just buy a new unit.  Better, Faster, Cheaper - pick any two remains true.  

Denafrips has been well received for performance and quality in the mid-Fi zone. Claims of hand matched components.  Hardly any innovation there.  R2R DAC, done before.  Also, not clear whether Denafrips is really a Chinese company.  Made in China certainly.

Is there an existing Chinese Hi End Audio company?  Is there???

After all that i have said about chinese people creativity, i want to be clear now , the CCP is not China , but an abominable dictatorship of the worst kind imposed upon china... There is no choice nor any freedom in China...  I hope to be clear...

There it is, the elephant in the room @mahgister finally mentioned.  If something is important to the CCP, it will happen.  If not important to the CCP, not likely to happen.  

Is it important to the CCP to have a competitive Hi End Audio industry?  By competitive, that means more than a couple companies allowed to exist simply for CCP PR purposes. 


All I know, the Willsenton R8 is very good, and even drives my Martin Logan’s. :)