Why is Audiogon insisting on a verified physical address in order to post?

Quick question

I just had to enter a verified address into my profile in order to continue posting here.

Does anyone know why that took place?   I don't really love posting my physical address on user groups like this.    

Did anyone else have to do this?




G R O C H O ( an all important segwayed/hijacked/morphed topic in the name, rank and id number thread)

I once read a book of his letters. Much as we do now of going on line in the AM to check things and take care of texts or notes w/ friends, back in Groucho's day they read the paper and wrote letters. He was a great writer more erudite in his letters than his corn ball persona in film.

I deleted one post with a whopper typo. 

“My hearing is perfect, I hear my wife snoring even when she doesn’t snore” Groucho Marx



I’m going to have to look that video up. 😀
Imagine if you gave them the old fashioned way of stating your phone number with a alphanumeric string of seven using the accepted call sign that the letters represented.

Ex: State 1,3,4,7,9. (commonly represented as ST-13479)

They’d be like deer frozen in the headlights.

All the best,





Groucho was like the Will Rogers or Mark Twain of his time and had that whip smart wit. When he hosted You Bet Your Life back in the golden days of Black & White, he’d call on audience members for some back and forth banter.

One time he had a man who said he had X number of kids and grandkids and Groucho said something like: "I love my cigar but I take it out of mouth every now and again."

I believe he was sued by the man for saying that.

All the best,


Thanks for the clarification. I should have taken the time to look it up instead of relying on memory, but it still comes across despite the errors. 

All the best,