One dac to mention for the $, value, and somewhat in the neutral-clarity camp is the new Schiit Bifrost 2/64, R2R chip (non-tube) with non-oversampling / MegaComboBurrito filter switch. Internally runs two Texas Instruments dac processors chips.
As mentioned prior, myself@decooney @wolf_garcia @hilde45 and maybe a few others here owning one and enjoying it. I selected the BF 2/64 dac between my upgraded MHDT Orchid and the new build of my BorderPatrol SE-I, and super glad I tried it. I still have it for now as a reference dac to rotate back to compare.
There are few folks out there on Head-Fi, SBAF, and other camps who like it more than Gungir and the venerable Yggy. The owner of Schiit replaced Yggy with it, for his personal desktop use. Also, has the new Unison USB setup in it too, if you like USB. I lot of value packed in one USA made unit.
If you like a bit more sound stage, openness, separation of instruments, appreciate a bit more detail, even in NOS filter mode, I like it better than my MHDT Orchid, no matter which tube I ran in Orchid (because I run an all-tube system). With all solid state, I might prefer the Orchid, hard to say. To me, the new Schiit BF 2/64 is more true to the sound.The switchable MCB filter mode gives mild bass boost and upper frequency boost in my system - for whatever reason. While I prefer NOS mode, some with less sensitive speakers or laid back system might like MCB filter mode more.
For the price, its a real contender imo. A return policy too if you don’t like it. Worth a look too, fwiw.