A room can sound bad...
Then it must be corrected acoustically...
A living room room can sound good with no apparent defect...
Then you can live with it without doing any acoustic treatment ...It will be just ok... It will not be optimal...
A DEDICATED room can sound also OPTIMAL for a specific system and could be more than just OK...
Then even if acoustic control is not necessary because clapping your hand there is no echo , doing it will be rewarding more than any upgrade...
Small room acoustic is way more than just suppressing the echo in the room... 😊
Do not confuse these three different cases...
The gear does not replace acoustic optimization...
I understand that most people cannot do it and cannot pay someone for doing it ...
But we must say the basic truth... Acoustic is not a mere correction ....It is a process of optimization of the relation between your ears, the room and the speakers...
If i could had better speakers than my Mission Cyrus , my room optimization would have crush even my actual stunning headphone in intimacy and in all acoustic factors...