Policy changes at The Music Room TMR Audio

TMR has made a few changes to their policies which may interest folks.

Warranties for used gear is now 90 rather than 45 days.

Trial period is now 30 rather than 14 days.

There is now a restocking fee of 5%. Their rationale for this makes sense and seems reasonable. It would be nice if there could be exceptions to the restocking fee, such as cables and other products which don't need extensive checking for quality control. One result of this policy is that there is some more costly gear I would have tried but now am reluctant. I suppose that’s just a personal admission. 


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Their site says "The average time from when a used product is listed for sale to the time payment is issued currently averages 47 days. About 30% of our used products sell within the first 14 days. Of course, some products will take longer but it’s rare for anything to sit on our warehouse shelves for more than a few months."

I’m very interested in an item they’ve had listed for over 6 months. They have dropped the price 1% on two occasions. It’s still high based on my own research. Does this indicate that it’s likely a consignment item? Is there any way to tell from the listing if it’s consignment?

They brag "our sales team is very adept at the art of negotiation. We will field offers and negotiate with legitimate buyers with the goal of balancing best pricing vs. fastest sale." So any tips on how to get the best deal from them on a slow-moving high priced item?

Is there a particular individual I should ask to speak with who has the ultimate authority to reduce the asking price to close a legit deal? There's a thin overlap between what they can sell for and what I can afford. Dicking around with a sales guy with no authority isn't going to result in a win for either party. 


I have sold many things through the TMR  and was treated very well. We would all like to think our product is worth more, and probably is. I had several issues with a Project RS2T transport that was returned and re ordered many times, as it wouldn't work properly. They were GREAT, apologized over and over and finally I got a working one. The best part of TMR, is CUSTOMER SERVICE!!!!! They actually seem to care about you, which in today's world seems rare.  It's nice to be able to TRUST someone, especially when your talking large sums om money being transacted. 5% is the cost of doing business I guess but as others have said, many others are much more,  and don't offer in my opinion, the aforementioned hand holding!!!  Will always do business with them. Robert TN


If the item you want has a “make offer” option, make an offer. There isn’t anyone specific to discuss it with. You will get an email of acceptance, or counter. You can haggle from there. Of course, there will be a bit of a premium if buying through them. They handle all the incoming shipping from any item, trade or otherwise and pay to put ads on EBay, Agon, etc. it all costs money…

Overall, I’ve had great success with them and think the new policy is very reasonable.

Well I gues I'm the exception to the "TMR is great" chorus. $1400 later, I'll omit the details.