The first years were very bad sound, it was why it really take improvement before i like cd...
But a bad turntable as most cheap were in a living room was not my liking too...
I go with cd the years it was not too much atrocious... 😊 My priorities was BUYING many albums it was more easy with cd...
I did not have any other choices... Cd were more cheap and easy to buy for me in classical...
Anybody knows that the cd beginnings were atrocious , even me....Anybody can listen to the diffrence between digital sound and vinyl....But this diffrence decrease litlle by little... Not completely but enough to make cd listenable with a good cd player...
But i never go back to turntable....I did not need to ... I did not have no more vinyl at the times...
for the last decade and more cd listening is no more a plague...
By the way i trust mike lavigne costly system and acoustic room and for him vinyl is better then cd at the end post line...
It does not means that no audiophile experience is possible with cd...
Acoustic of room in my knowledge matter more today than vinyl and cd difference...
All is a matter of everyone convenience.... I own 10,000 albums cd or files...How many vinyl do you have ? 😊
for books it is the same... it is better to own real paper books for many reason than ereader... But i sell all my paper books for convenience... Too much place...
it is better for memory to read a paper book and more easy to come back to it at will...
Nevermind i was in the obligation to stop after many multi thousand books in two or three rooms ...I own only 500 paper books now...
I feel the difference between reading on a digital reader or paper as i sense the diffrence between analog and digital...
but life is a trade-off set of choices...
You dont keep 20,000 books till you are dead nor 10,000 musical vinyls...
When i was way younger i must choose between buying books or vinyl albums... I need more the books... And anyway i was listening Bach all day long it is not costly... 😊
Then when cd arrived i begun music with cd buyings...
But it seems you’re saying that one required a good acoustic, by which I assume you mean a good listening room, to divine the difference between early RBCDs and vinyl. In my opinion there’s no listening space bad enough to obscure the vast gulf between them. Classical music was most mutilated on RBCD, as opposed to other genres. Massed brass or string passages sounding like the crumpling of cellophane.