How serious are you?

On a scale of 1 to 10 with ten being totally obsessed, how serious are you about this hobby?  Explain please. Thanks. 


Building my dream system took 30 years at an easy level of 9.750. Now I spend my time in pursuit of music at a robust level of 9.875. The internet changed everything for me... so much music just a click away. Now my mailbox is just a new cd receptacle. At least 5 a week. I love CDs. (newest find is an Iranian singer named Sevdaliza)

Serious Obsession?

I just watched Crazy CAR WIZARD Stories: Six cars that truly Ruined My Customer's lives!  One of them was, using money set aside for his wife's cancer treatments to fund his car repairs.  I'm going to set this as 10.  This will put me at about 2.  Blasphemic but there are things in my life that are way WAY more important than Audio.

I was always serious about my audio and music since my first system at the 18 yrs old and many more upgrades since. I’m now 57 and recently purchased my new Audio Research Ref 750s mono blocks along with having upgraded my Audio Research REF 6 to 6SE. And just purchased a gorgeous rack and 2 amp platforms from Timbernation. I also just bought about 25 mobile fidelity 24k cds that I really love. So I’d say both audio and music a 10 as of now. Look at my all out assault system in my profile. 

I'm close to a 10.  Roon says I listen 10-12 hours per week but that doesn't include vinyl.  Listening to music is my drug of choice.  It has always been my means of coping with stress and unplugging after work.  I never use my system as background music.  I look forward to a concert as often as I can.  It is in a dedicated, treated room and if it is on then I am in my spot listening.  I get drawn in- always been that way.  Roon also shows that I listen 4-5 days a week.  Again, that doesn't include vinyl because when I listen to vinyl I don't turn the DAC on.  Used to be I might listen to 1/2 to one CD before switching to vinyl.  Now, I listen mostly to digital since revamping my system the last couple of years.

I have revamped my stereo eight times over 47 years.  I typically would change nearly everything over a one to two year period and then leave it alone for 10-15 years.  My latest splurge which was a cost no object project- in as much as my conservative midwestern upbringing would allow met my goals of killer sound and hi res streaming.  I thought I had tempered my spending quite well; but friends and family have this look that implies I should seek help.  Doesn't everyone have a dedicated room for audio with panels and treatments on the walls, ceiling and floors?


I listen pretty much every day, I have 4 systems, three are vintage and one main. The vintage systems morphed during COVID, and are still going strong in terms of use. Ive restored and had restored components, soldering troubleshooting etc. Ive customized and restored a Thorens and AR turntable. I put in my own NAS and fiber network, digitizing all of my cds and SACDs. I no longer get sticker shock at the prices of high end audio. I just purchased an Esoteric N05 network streamer….so I’m maybe an 8 or 9 out of 10…..but that maybe conservative. Hey it’s a hobby!