Immersive Audio and How to Achieve It

100% of music listeners prefer live music to recorded playback, why? A live performance "immerses" you and frees you up to move around the room, the dance floor and still be immersed. The goal posts have moved away from two speakers to an array of speakers all around as well as above you to reproduce the illusion of a LIVE performance. Why, in 2023, would anyone voluntarily use only two speakers to recreate this illusion of a live performance in a large room?

Even the artists themselves are using immersive audio in concert to WOW their audience, why not do it at home:




Is the difference between us that I view immersion more in terms of the capacity of the listener while you seem to view the listener more as a passive factor, with technology facilitating immersion?

Yes, I am focused on the tech side in this thread, buying a single pair of speakers for $$$$ is the costliest, least effective way to achieve an immersive experience or "a suspension of disbelief". The room is more important than the equipment so that means room treatments and some type of tech to measure and possibly use DSP.
A surround processor or receiver tops out at about $20K for a Trinnov but outstanding choices are available for far less. Finally 9-12 moderately priced small speakers setup properly with a couple of subs instead of two expensive towers.

Finally to have two sources, one for channel based audio and one for object based audio. My guess is less than 50% of the members here have experienced high end object based audio in a properly setup room.

that people can only perceive and appreciate art when it’s turned into an IMAX experience.

There is a lot of truth to that statement, and not just IMAX size screens. The members here have some incredibly luxurious systems and rooms. It is a matter of preference I guess.



An immersive one for an headphone without the BACCH filters or no dSP associated like the Smyth realizer... The K340 is among the few the best designed headphones ever...

Can you please post a link, to those cans, I have a great headphone amp and would like to try, thanks.


Is it this one?


In fact, some of the best recordings available are only minimally processed.

I agree, too bad it isn't the standard though....


Will the listener be put in the position of a listener in the audience, will the listener be put in the position of hearing direct and acoustic sound that is in the mind of the musician and producer

When they were recording the London Symphony Orchestra they miked it and positioned the objects so the listener was positioned at the conductors stand! 

Listen to how Brian Eno discusses about how he uses his intentions to place the listener in space, about 3:00 mark:


@kota1 100% of people don't prefer anything, I don't care if it's chocolate over nuts or sex over being alone, and I certainly don't prefer live music to being in my studio. 

your approach is not good for the format that you're trying to be good for, please turn it down like 30% 


people like you perpetuate the image that this format is for overly excited idiots who don't understand stereo


people like me, are working hard to learn and educate engineers to make better work, so that beating the stereo in headphones and having a great speakers experience is the expected standard


we are not there, yet, and your enthusiasm is not helping, it's just getting in the way


thank you