Studer A807

Are any of you out there in audio land using the A807? If so, may I ask you to provide feedback regarding your experience specifically including playback quality and any relevant operational details, heads, tape handling, reliability, etc?

Thank you kindly.   

Ag insider logo xs@2xletitbe1306

Here is an interesting post on Audigon discussing the superiority of 15ips 2T tape SQ versus vinyl or digital:

All I can say is; IMHO 15ips 2T tape can have the best SQ of any medium, albeit at a stupid price. For example, Lyn Stanley London With A Twist, or Norah Jones Come Away With Me, both these recording, and others, make people think they are listening to live music in my home, that good! Why do you think a lot of high end equipment manufacturers are using R2R tape to demonstrate their products at audio shows?

Honesty! Has OP asked about differences between analog tape technology and other media? How much more clearer his question could be?

OP, I do not have knowledge regarding your inquiry.  It is just frustrating reading these rants, showing off the knowledge of the subject but nothing to do with the question posed. It seems like it became "fashionable" lately.

Forgive me my rant.

Knock1, your critique is spot on. No need to apologize. OP might get relevant responses on some other forum dedicated to tape or even on What’s Best Forum. Many of those guys are tape aficionados.

Thank you, ho249 and lewm. I am a member over at Tapeheads and What's Best but have not visited the sites in quite some time. I am headed there now.