All speakers and audio systems in the world sound veiled and bright that includes $100k cd player, $million speakers, $100k power amp, $20k power cords, etc.
Agreed, that doesn't mean I don't like them, just not as much as live music. If I could have Norah Jones or Billy Joel at the piano in my living room or a CD you know which one I (but not everyone apparently) would choose.
The sounds of surround receivers are not good and can't compete to the sound of a good stereo amp.
My Onkyo receiver sounds "good" but my Carver amp is in another league, agreed. BUT, the gap is getting narrower every year.
2 channel set up is easier to make smoother musical sound and better for long term listening music.
I can't disagree, you can see my desktop system and my home theater, no question my desktop system was easier and still sounds quite satisfying for casual listening.