If the DAC is the same, how different do CD transports sound?

One interesting topic of discussion here is how audible the differences are between CD players when they are used as transports only — or when they are only transports to begin with.

In other words, in a comparison which keeps the DAC the same, how much difference can be heard between CD transports?

This recent video by Harley Lovegrove of Pearl Acoustics provides one test of this question. It may not be the ultimate test, but he does describe the experimental conditions and informations about the qualifications of the listeners.

He comes to the main conclusion here: https://youtu.be/TAOLGsS27R0?t=1079

The whole video is worth watching, I think.



While I am interested in the discussion, and agree and disagree with parts of it based on my experience. For me personally the following are true right now:

(1) My current listening room itself is not optimal for critical listening, and does not have sufficient room treatment.....it's a family room with open concept, and wife is not allowing sound panels/traps in that environment; I fully understand that.

(2) I don't think my current components are not as resolving as some others, my Buchardt S400 MKIIs are warm and lush and sweet and involving with wonderful mids, punchy fast bass, and great soundstage....but not as revealing as say a Focal or B&W. My Denafrips components and tubes4hifi tube amplifier also tend to lean that way, so I don't think the true benefit of say a Jay's transport are able to shine

(3) Right now for me, it's a matter of resources. The biggest impediment is the room itself and sound treatment, and I'm building a new listening room to solve that problem. Second, I think a larger benefit for me would be from a high end streamer such as an Aurender N200 or Innuous Zenith or Lumin U2. While I could continue to use my Node 130/LHY LPS/Denafrips Iris DDC and be happy, there is definitely a really noticeable step up to be had with a better streamer. I tested an Aurender N10 in my system, and WOW!

(4) The Audiolab 6000CDT is a great CD transport for the money, it doesn't have any glaring weaknesses. Though once I am in a quieter, with correct dimensions, and properly treated room; with sound proofing and room treatment and proper power and an optimized network.....I will reevaluate my priorities. I could very well end up with a Jay's CDT2 MKIII transport after the other changes

Best to you

Yes, two different CD transports will sound different!

Any DAC clock recovering circuit has own problems, such as PLL overshot, BW, stability, phase margin, etc. Less clock impurities, aka jitter, in input signal will result in higher accuracy sound.

I haven't watched the video yet but I will later on.Thanks for posting it. I used to have a Vincent (tubed) CDP which I was extremely happy with. It wasn't as resolving as my current equipment,but after some tube rolling I had no desire to ever upgrade. When it bit the dust it was replaced with a CXC and Tubadour, which being quite a bit more resolving and transparent sent me down the path of attempting to working harder on room acoustics,vibration control,etc. since the issues I had were now unmasked. I'm not sure if that was a good thing, lol.Once again I'm completely content with how the music sounds which is several steps above where it was a few years ago.Hopefully nothing breaks so I'm not tempted to upgrade and start the dominos tumbling again. I've considered trying a better/different transport but talked myself out of it several times.

Once you hit a certain level of transport and DAC coupled with very clean amplification, good cabling, speakers, etc...the differences are pretty easy to hear.

Listening and comparing a couple sub $1000 transports probably won't tell you much.


@hilde45 don’t take it the wrong way, but I think you are too excited to see the conclusion of that video aligned with what you were hoping to hear. In other words you had a biased opinion going in and now it impairs your ability to keep an open mind.

Your argument on why the number of views matters is pretty weak as well. Whether it’s 94k views or 2mil views doesn’t reflect on validity of the message in that video.
If we use number of views as an indication of how valid the information is, then Barbie was and still is a more important historical figure than Oppenheimer.