I second the remark about why certain individuals here that enjoy streaming always feel compelled to tell people inquiring about CD players to junk them .
It reminds me of the digital vs. analog debate, with the fanatics lined up on both sides., but here we have digital vs digital. The analog lovers aren’t immune from this either. Check out the ferocity of the direct vs belt drive turntables.
I suppose there could be worse things than audio fanaticism. We could be screaming at each other that there is only one true religion, and murdering those that don’t share our belief. Perhaps Audio Fanaticism is an outlet for this kind of aggression, much the way that sports channels aggression into less dangerous areas. Whatever.
In truth we live in a time where there are many ways to achieve excellent sound. Analog, CD replay, streaming. Even Internet Radio and Bluetooth have improved to a point where they probably sound better than what most of us had back in the day. There are differences between them, enough to want to have preferences between technologiies. It’s interesting how small differences sometimes yield the loudest controversy