Bypassing Sony SACD protocols - is it possible?

Curious to find out if there is a Streamer/DAC/Preamp combination unit that will play SACDs when connected to a SACD player?


The SACD player should have its own DAC which will then send an analog signal to the preamp section, assuming the streamer/Preamp/DAC accepts analog inputs.

If the Sony has a digital out, such as toslink or SPDIF, then you can play the CD layer of an SACDS using the DAC of the streamer.  If the streamer has HDMI input, then you can send the DSD layer to the DAC

My OPPO player will output 88.2k digitally when playing SACD.   They claim it has something to do with the Nyquist freq .   and that  176.4 would not sound as good....