Bypassing Sony SACD protocols - is it possible?

Curious to find out if there is a Streamer/DAC/Preamp combination unit that will play SACDs when connected to a SACD player?


My OPPO player will output 88.2k digitally when playing SACD.   They claim it has something to do with the Nyquist freq .   and that  176.4 would not sound as good....


I am not aware of any dedicated SACD player that can output DSD stream via Toslink or Coax. I believe you need a universal player with hdmi output and D.BOB to extract DSD 64 stream to any DAC that can decode DSD.

Another option is to rip the SACD layer yourself as a DSD file which you store on your streaming device and route that to your DAC. It takes some setup work to do and requires a particular set of Blu-Ray players to rip the disc, but it's not terribly difficult if you follow the right instructions. 

Thanks for reminding me about the D.BOB. My Sony SCD-1 died earlier this year and I was wondering how to play my SACD's.

Upscale Audio is selling the D.BOB for $799. I just got it and will hook it up to my Benchmark DAB3B and Oppo BDP-83. Not sure if the Oppo will work or even if it is working. If not, I will get a low-cost replacement SACD transport.