How acoustic and some simple tweaks can cure audiophile disease for small pocket budget

My surprize came after installing a 4 inches M-Audio AV 40 i bought 12 years ago and which i used all these times as speakers but for computer use only not music... I disliked them for music BEFORE i connected them in a dedicated small acoustic corner dedicated for them and BEFORE i connected them to a synergetical good dac : Nos tda 1543 French battery dac of Christophe Mariac...
My surprize was , with no deep bass for sure , but the bass being good i can live with that, a very accurate timbre and clear 3-d imaging soundfield with some depth and extension out of the speakers , it is recording dependant ...😊
My surprize was that i was thinking i am a fool to enjoy so cheap gear component...😁
I secure all interconnected with my homemade "golden plate " : shungite +copper tape....Sometimes i added a piece of quartz for increasing "clarity" ... it is my homemade cure against EMI and RFI ...
My surprize was rediscovering after loosing my dedicated Mission Cyrus 781 big boxes /dedicated acoustic room , it was discovering i could enjoy, modulo a simplest acoustic disposition because the M-Audio speakers are way smaller , a relatively "real audiophile " experience with speakers again...
My new small acoustic corner is created with diffusive surface and 2 foldable screens , one in wood that reflect more , and one in thick paper and wooden grid that absorb a bit some frequencies and reflect some other , i place them to create a corner , the rest is very diffusive enclosure ... The results is astounding so much i could live with it...No deep bass but a decent bass and clarity with no distortion... M-Audio MV 40 is called "studiophile" and well reviewed by steve Guttenberg...But beware, the version with the bass button is mine and necessary, if not the bass lack punch...
With my first acoustic dedicated room and now with my little acoustic corner i proved for myself that audiophile experience is based on ACOUSTIC not on the price of gear at all...
Now i will not be confined either as i tought to headphone only listening, with my AKG K340 driven by the microzotl as headphone amplifier or from the headphone out from the Sansui Au 7700 as amplifier +the microzotl2 as pre-amp.... My end game audiophile true system is now headphone for sure...But i will be in heaven listening casually music from speakers again....
Acoustic is the sleeping princess in audio and the kissing prince is your ears/brain, the 7 working dwarves are only the gear working pieces...

+1 @noromance

Unfortunately, you have reacted in a most spectacular and bizarre manner to both my and @hilde45 posts.

Very bizarre. All I did was put the OP’s words into ChatGPT and reposted them. Everyone can witness his/her/their reaction and judge it for themselves. I removed it because it seemed the humane thing to do.

+1 @wolf_garcia

All of this is essentially unreadable blather...otherwise, it’s fabulous.

Exactly. Because there is content in what the OP says that has value, making it more readable seemed like a kindness but clearly it triggered our friend. 

You came back again in spite of your excuse...

The last time you polluted my thread with the SAME PATRONIZING CORRECTION was my thread about immersiveness few weeks ago ... Anybody can verify...


You are misleading people here FORGOTTING DELIBERATELY THE CONTEXT of this apparently benign translation of my thread introduction by chatgtp now right here as the FIRST POST ...

You wrote to me a letter of apology long ago the 25 april 2021 because you spoke to me about my english mistakes and too long post at this date ... ( I am not an english speaker and i was pleased by your letter of apology and decided that you will be a friend)

In spite of this letter here you go on for the last 28 months making the same patronizing observations without end and without discussing the matter of my two last threads for example ( only my grammar interest you not the matter of the thread ? ) ...

You then opened the door in my two last threads to trolling and derailment of the thread i begun..

You make this observation about my bad english how many times since your apology letter of april 2021 ?

Are you honest enough to answer truth instead of coming back polluting my thread again WITHOUT discussing the matter i proposed to discussion ?

You said in your last mail that i am "pathetic" because you correct all your customers texts all over the world...I am not a customer ...We are in a public forum here...

I would have accepted this as an "helping hand " indeed , if it was not your usual harassment toward me since april 2021...

Can you confirm that this letter exist, i have it, and that you indeed repeateadly attacked me by the SAME PATRONIZING remarks again and again ? Are you able to say the truth ? Or will you go on pretending in front of all and falsely claiming that you dont understand my reaction after your reoccurring many times harassment ?

Anybody know here that i am not an english speaker , this dont give you the right to harass me , and by the way i am not one of YOUR CUSTOMER...

Then dont come back in my thread again with worst than a lie, a half truth about your behavior toward me, hypocritally claiming that you dont understand and speaking about me so with another people in MY FACE ..

I never refuse "helping hand " from friends, but harassing someone since april 2021, is not giving an helping hand , it is REPEATED SARCASM in subtle way... Opening my thread to the trolls who them mock me unable to see the CONTEXT of your reoccuring "correcting remark"...

You use the same tactic in this thread of mine and the last one...

I dont entertain grudge because I SPOKE MY MIND by the way ...

Must i publish the letter as proof here, or will you go pretending that you dont understand my behaviour IN FRONT OF ALL PEOPLE HERE ?

Will you come back again in few weeks mocking again my post number of words and syntax in spite of your first apology in april 2021 ?

Why do you pretend in front of all that you dont understand my reaction to your derailing of my threads after your reoccurring many times harassment ?

as i say in my last mail to you yesterday,"Are you a friend "? Because friend dont derail and harass other friend threads for 26 months using the same patronizing remarks..

AM I CLEAR enough in my bad english and for sure too long post here, you are right for sure about that from the beginning in april 2021 ? I myself ALWAYS admit truth....

I dont have grudge against you, not even now, i ask you many times , why not being friend ? but you judge me "pathetic" it seems as you wrote in your yesterday letter ...

Anyway friend or not now, dont patronize me anymore, especially if i begin a future thread about something...


Perhaps i must use chatGPT to be understood by you ? Did i need it ?



Very bizarre. All I did was put the OP’s words into ChatGPT and reposted them. Everyone can witness his/her/their reaction and judge it for themselves. I removed it because it seemed the humane thing to do.