Rather than a counterfeit from China, buy lamp cord from Home Depot.
You do realize we are talking about signal wire?
Really Long XLR
Looking to move my front end gear to the side wall in a new listening room. If I don't want cables running across the floor in front in my speakers etc., then I'm going to need a set of XLR interconnects in the 40 - 45 foot range. Wondering what other members have done and what cables have been selected for a very long run. Obviously the companies asking $$$$ for a one meter set are not in the running. All suggestions are welcome. Not afraid to build my own if anyone has had great experience with bulk XLR cable. Thanks.
Consider Blue Jeans Cable. They will run you about $250 for the pair. I've used Blue Jeans interconnects, speaker cable and XLRs. The quality of construction is first rate. (Ultimately I replace the speaker cables with Kimber 12tc) I run a BJC Belkin 15 foot XLR from pre to power and I am satisfied. Worth a try, I think. Before you spend $$$$, anyway. |
This is a great way to get your equipment off to the side and leave the amp between the speakers. I used this setup once, i could sit in my chair and have access to all my sources and volume control with out a remote:-) using a 30ft high quality RCA cable it worked very well with my MAC preamp into a 300watt per channel MAC power amp driving a pair of Mirage M3’s. I would contact Signal Cable they are in New York and they make cables that are excellent sounding and affordable, just call them and they can whip up a nice long XLR for your needs, Much recommended.
P.S. I use their MAGIC Power cables and Sennheiser Head Phone cable and Subwoofer SPKON cable for my REL B2 sub, These are all custom made.
Matt M |
@mattmiller Thanks Matt. Signal Cable would be $400 for the pair. At a similar price I am also looking at Gotham Ultra Pro https://www.gothamcable.com/en/gothamcables/madeupleads/xlrmicrophonecable/ultrapro10561 |
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