Been at this hobby for a long time trying all kinds of "improvements". Other than protection from power surges, never thought much about power conditioning. After all, each piece of gear powered by AC includes filtering to clean up the AC.
Why did my system sound different in the daytime, evening, or day of the week? It took a long time to be confident there really was a difference. AC varied some, but surely a couple volts can't be the issue.
Found a nice used PS Audio Power Regenerator to try. Connected all my gear to the unit and picked a track with a piano passage harshness present every time. Whoa - clear notes, no harsh edges. Tried another track with some harsh edges. Gone again, nothing but clean and clear notes. Tried several more tracks. Same result. Would not describe as jaw dropping difference, but no doubt harsh edges gone. That was with solid state amp over several weeks. During that period, time of day made no difference in the sound quality.
Switched to my tube amp. Spent a few weeks listening. Again, no difference based on time of day. Prior to the Power Regenerator the solid state amp and tube amp both sounded good, with not much difference. After, the change in sound quality with the tube amp is substantial. There is depth, body, and clarity not present previously.
As always, be your own judge of whether a different piece of gear or tweak works for you.