C.d player with built in Pre amps i.e Wadia

Just wondering what manufacture's make a CD player that uses a digtal volume control, so you can connect straight to the poweramp? is it a better way to go if you dont have any other need for a Pre-amp, currently using a passlabs X01? I only realy know of Wadia and the Opus 21, what else is out there.
you will have a hard time equaling the Pass X01 preamp from just a cd player itself. It will be close and may be better in many regards, but in terms of dynamics and control the preamp cannot be matched. I have owned the Opus 21 basic and with GNSC. GNSC brings it closer, but still not 100% there. The newer wadias I have not heard, would be curious how the 581 stacks up direct?
Arbuckle, Have you had the mods done on Opus 21, you must not been happy, from what you wrote you no longer own it? Thanks Tweak 1 I will do a google, there must be other brands that do this? where does the Opus sit in terms of quality of over all preformance in a scale of 1 - 10 compared to payler up to 10,000 range?
Why only a digital volume control, a good analog volume control should be superior. Try Accuphase, Audiomeca, and Audio Aero. Also the Cary CDP's can have volume controls and sound quite good. Happy listening!
Opus 21 is one of the best players made period, in my opinion. I loved the GNSC Opus 21, sold it out of curiosity and now own an Esoteric X03se at almost twice the price. Is it better, yes in some ways. But the Opus is far more flexible, has a digital in and can run amp direct, which annoys me about the Esoteric that they can't have a digital in. I have thought on more than one occasion of saving some cash and going back to the Opus GNSC mod......but again, my point being is a preamp does offer better dynamics, albeit a small increase.
I own the Resolution Audio CD-50 and have used it straight into an amp with good results, the balanced outputs are noteworthy. I'll keep this player until it dies and then I'll either purchase another CD-50 or a CD-55. Bradearles comments about the owner of RA are on the money.