“Nothing has been established-just as expected.”
Sure, from your dogmatic, inexperienced in things hifi point of view nothing is established. The prose, these words written here have given you no great revelation. You came in with the “Audiophool” attitude so why would you expect anything different?
Just as I wrote earlier, these types of discussions were much less common when audio stores were more prevalent. People could hear for themselves the sound of different brands and levels of components. Now days, we have so many, “armchair audiophiles” with little to no experience in things hifi, who have not heard some great hifi systems in person and therefore believe or want to believe that anything more than they are willing to spend on Amazon for gear is a waste of money.
Don’t even get me started on people who review systems they hear on YouTube. Just like TV commercials in the 1970s showing us how their TV has a better picture than the TV we are watching the commercial on.