Bryston Support

Been having trouble with my Bryston BOT1 CD transport.  The unit has been discontinued by Bryston and certainly out of warranty as their players dont carry the same generous warranty as the amps.


They shipped the unit to and fro at their expense and fixed it for free.  They didnt have to do that but I sure appreciate it. 






I dont know but I am in Colorado.  BOT is just a little slot loader so shipping is minimal relative to one of their burly amps.  


Regarding your BOT experience, I think there is a reason why that unit got discontinued.  And I would also say if one pops up on the used market pass it by.   You can purchase an aftermarket dvd player that the BDP will control. I also have the BDP pi and it has been discontinued as well but has worked reliably for well over a year as a dedicated player and better yet as a Roon endpoint.   And yes the Manic Moose interface is certainly spartan but it sounds good and works.

I had a lot of issues with the BDP3, but ultimately their CS was pretty good here, as you could leave a ticket and put it in a repair mode and they could work on it remotely and I didn’t have to be present. Ultimately I think most of the issues-not all-were due to Manic Moose and we’re not fixable. Streamers are networking computers, a very different animal than amplifiers, and probably a lot more difficult than DACs. I just don’t think networking is Bryston forte. They went from BDP1-3 quickly, and while I didn’t own the earlier units I suspect that they were trying to fix software issues by continually upgrading hardware.

About the BOT, I have nothing to add to my previous post

I’ve had on and off glitches with the Manic Moose software however, I’ve always been able to remedy the problem and get it back up and running as it should. Each time however, I prematurely contacted Bryston telling them that I was having issues, only to email them back saying that it was fixed. Bryston knows that their software is prone to problems now and then and they have been making improvements with each updated download. However, the sound quality of the BDP3 given it’’s price point makes it a good value. If Bryston could develop its software so that it’s equal to or better than the best of what’s out there, their digital player sales would increase exponentially.