Do CD Transports benefit much from upgraded power cords?

Your experiences?


@coralkong: “ … IN GENERAL, the nicer the CD player, the better the unit responds to a nicer cord…

My take: Yep …. Big time ….  @coralkong = No truer words can be spoken here .

Perhaps I’m overlooking something obvious but a CD transport is an optical device. Power spins the disc and powers the laser which require a minuscule amount of current. I can’t imagine a power cord would have any detectable sonic effect. Why not give it a try and let us know?



Yes, logic dictates. But the reality is the output is electrical. So, there is an optical reader, this is converted to a digital stream… the whole process subject to vibration, electrical noise, and who knows what else. Like all audio components… everything matters. As bazar as it is, power cords matter.


The more resolving the system, the more relevant a good cable choice is.....your system looks high end (sorry I've not heard your components), so I would add a nice power cable. No need to go nuts, but a nice DH Labs, Zavfino, Lavricables, Cullen Cables, or similar would do fine.