Why on earth?

Answer me this:  On You-Tube, there are endless of reviews, comparisons, and demos of equipment played in the creators room, recorded by a mic and published as if we could hear anything relevant considering we are listening to OUR stereo!  Some of these have high play counts.   Does anyone think they could hear differences in an amp or DAC picked up by some unknown mic, A2D, post processing and played back on their HT?   Are we really that stupid? 


@ticat got it, thanks. 

I think there is lots of useful/interesting content on YouTube, but social media in general, so-called influencers, Tik-Tok videos etc. are contributing to the decline of society - and it starts early - an iPad is now the babysitter.

And way too much screen time + not spending enough time outside in the sun is contributing to the significant increase in Myopia...

Thread hijacked (sorry) rant over.  

I commented on a few of those videos.  "You Spent All That Money and they still sound like television speakers."

YT music, with or w/out vids, to me is like flipping thru the LPs’/CDs’ @ a b&m shop....

Sometimes with ’something in mind’, but open to the surprise....;)

Using ’phones eliminates my speakers and the space that they and I am in.

As for your speakers for listening to speakers in another space filtered by that to do so....

...I posted a vid featuring my diy efforts a rather long while back (’15)....in G Search as the first image, 7x in the images page....

I apologize for the lousy audio, Sony P&S camera, mono from the mic onboard....noisy fluorescents, ceiling fan on low...at least on a tripod...*G*

....been a low priority to reshoot, and the subject has improved...

Pre-Happy Labor’d Daze...J

@tonywinga RCA did that! They over saturated the colors, loved the irony of those commercials! That's what comes from not teaching people how to, and the merits of thinking critically. Well, that and totalitarianism. 😉

I was a teenager then during those tv commercials and I remember thinking how amazing it would have been if their color tv picture would have shown in color on our b&w tv.