SPL Diamond DAC - no remote control

I was so excited about getting the new SPL Diamond DAC when I realized that unlike all their other units it does not have remote control capability. Their other units have some peculiarities that make them less than ideal for “consumer” level use, but this one takes the price. I just would really like to know what the thought process was when the conscious decision was made not to supply a pre-amplifier with remote control capabilities. 🤷‍♂️


Remotes are an absolute must for me. Preamp, phono preamp, dac, CD transport, tuner and loki max equalizer all have it. Nothing like tuning the sound to your specific ears from you listening chair if that's the way you enjoy music. Without them it takes forever to get it right, and the album is already half way through...

That alps pot is a cheap way out , you loose resolution it’s only a $25 item

resistor ladder , and relays are much better, I try to bring attention to this 

it’s just a good way to save $$. , my friend being a audio engineer 

proved this,inside the silver can2 plastic wipers with a conductive spray ,

plow level detail suffers a lot.

For me, I can’t/don’t use the dac as a preamp and it’s no big deal to get off my butt an press a button to switch from CD to streamer. It’s probably better for me to move once in awhile to press those buttons.😁

Maybe someday.