Did a satisfaction threshold exist under 1000 bucks ?

Is there a minimal/optimal subjective and also objective threshold of minimal satisfaction ?
If so, many upgrade chasing may seems like a dog chasing his tail....😁
I just live through one of this upgrading  event...
My system is very good, and when i tried to upgrade it , it was more a curiosity about the new amplifier than a real need...
But keep in mind that my system is 700 bucks for all components... My upgrade trying cost 1000 bucks...😁
Anyway i myself think that there is objective acoustic factors that define good sound, and when these factors are there on this threshold line , most upgrade are a change not always for the better  not an improvement...
Am i alone who live throught this ? am i alone to be satisfied by under 1000 bucks system, headphone and speakers dac and amplifier included ?😁
For sure i listen alone... Many had wife and friends listening with them... This implicate costlier system able to accomodate a room , not headphone or small speakers for one in an acoustic corner for one ...
Anyway am i alone in acoustic bliss with under 1000 bucks system ?

I was prepared long ago about this drawback ...

The title of my virtual page in the last 10 years is : "Audiophile experience for the poor"

I discovered that the three embeddings controls : acoustic, mechanic and electric, put us far enough on the road to claim audiophile results at low cost...😊

Add to this synergy between the right vintage conmponent and you are there...

What amplifier can beat my Sansui alpha today and at which cost ?

Good luck... It will be way costlier...

For the Akg K340 , to beat it buy an Abyss or a Susvara...

Now add the cost of a new amplifier and of the susvara  and you exceed easily 10,000 bucks versus my 700 bucks...

I know for sure that i enjoy music with a very good sound... No need to fool my brain .... Upgrading will for sure be possible...

But as i said there exist a MINIMAL  audiophile threshold of satisfaction ...By objective as subjective criteria together...



The only drawback is membership in the prestigious high end audio club will be harder to earn, so better get busy right away on that one.

IT's only getting harder these days for most folks in the USA to merely make ends meet.  That bodes even less well for the future of high end audio as we know it in these parts.  PEople are going to have to suck it up and make a lot of adjustments moving forward if they are to maintain the somewhat luxurious quality of life I suspect most of us here have come to expect.

@waytoomuchstuff “…I can recall many highly emotional and satisfying moments with "lesser systems." As my knowledge and awareness of "better sound" pursued an upward trajectory, each time a layer was peeled back revealing the complexity and nuance (and, yes, bone-jarring impact) of the performance my appreciation for the music, and those boxes and cables that made it happen grew exponentially. …”


👍 +1

Confession: I recently bought a $150 amp (with beefed up power supply, less otherwise) and am using in a desktop system while working from home. This is my second Fosi amp. It is very well reviewed and is documented independently as measuring very well and it sounds it at least for this application which is granted less challenging than running a full range traditional full size system in most rooms.

My other older Fosi amp that cost even less does an exceptional job driving a pair of KEF ls50s in a fairly large room, a task I have seen other "high end" amps fail at miserably.

These are my third and fourth systems. Number 1 and 2 are still much more costly, but I have been successful downsizing all around in recent years accordingly as a result of not being afraid to first try less expensive and easily returnable things that have received good press but do not necessarily have the high end audio industry "blessing". Meaning I am less prone to simply throw money at the problem than in past years, which is a positive development.





I modified my small speakers M-Audio AV40 so much well they are completely transformed...

I add cardboard cylinder around the tweeter to make easier imaging and directionality toward my listening position... Impressive results...

Then i increased the Internal volume of the small box with the right bundle of 20 tubes( straws for one dollar) i put them in the rear porthole... Results as astonishingly good no drawbacks...It is simple Helmholtz design applied... Now i have more bass depth , more extension too... The explanation is to be look for in any basic acoustic book...

New speakers completely... They were very well reviewed but now they beat or rival most headphones in near listening save my AKG K340 for sure...

Audiophile results dont equate only with "price tag" ... It is acoustics basic for me....

Think twice before qualifying my acoustic experiments by "tin foil hat"... What i did is based on acoustics not foolishness... 😊


No designer can sell a small box with tubes going out at the rear and tube going out in front... I can....

These are my third and fourth systems. Number 1 and 2 are still much more costly, but I have been successful downsizing all around in recent years accordingly as a result of not being afraid to first try less expensive and easily returnable things that do not necessarily have the high end audio industry "blessing". Meaning I am less prone to simply throw money at the problem than in past years, which is a positive development.