There is a market for any consumers demand...
One market does not replace the others...
Most high end consumers and music listener invest less time in movies and more in music... ( anyway how many non stupid movies comes from Hollywood ? Some not many )
I listen any non american movies when i listened to one, at least doing so i learn at least something about other cultures... And i am tired of Hollywood pastiches...
Spectacular CGI matter less for me than intelligent content , then in audio as in movie, I prefer music to sound at the end...
I invested way more in books and music than in movies... I dont need atmos for movies and for music only 2 speakers or one headphone is needed...
I am a dinosaurus...
My only phone is a flapping one from 15 years ago with almost no screen and almost no computing abilities... ( phone are useful read me right but i hate them more than i use them )