As ususal great input and suggestions here ... I'd add Krell to the list.
I have a couple pieces of Odyssey gear that @wturkey suggested, very special!!
Amp Recommendations
Hey everyone,
I have been upgrading my home system, but then moved due to a new house for work. The power amp was the last one to be updated. After 3 Monoprice amps, instead of getting another warranty replacement, I decided to return and upgrade in the process. So needless to say, I need a new power amp to use for my set-up. I would prefer to stay around $5k or so, but flexible as needed and looking at both new and used. Room is a split use 70/30 music/movies that measures 14'x20' with vaulted ceilings (peaks around 14'), but opens to the kitchen/dining room behind which is another 11' deep. I had a 5.2.2 system at the old house and will probably do the same here, but will at least start with the 2.2 and go from there until I have time to get set-up and play with the set-up.
Speakers: Sonus Faber Serafino Tradition
Processor: Anthem AVM 70 8k
As ususal great input and suggestions here ... I'd add Krell to the list.
I have a couple pieces of Odyssey gear that @wturkey suggested, very special!!
Cambridge Audio EDGE W. Yes, Cambridge Audio. While much of their gear is considered mid-fi for the budget conscious, their 50th anniversary EDGE line is their attempt a cost-no-object product line. The EDGE W is absolutely the best amplifier I’ve heard south of $5K, and I’ve heard a lot of amps. I am an authorized Cambridge Audio dealer and I say give these comments when also carrying much higher priced amplifiers like T+A and Margules. Happy to explain the amplifier’s performance capabilities in more detail if you want to PM me. |
I would suggest either McIntosh MC312 or MC462. The 462 is a reference quality amp. Even used, they are above your budget, but these are end-game amps. I have wasted thousands of dollars on audio which I could have saved if I had "bought it right" the first time. Also another sleeper is the Rotel Michi S5. It is a powerhouse and presents excellent value/performance in this insane world of high-priced amps! Best of luck in your search! |
If those Sonus are on the warm side and efficient I would get a stereo or mono Benchmark AHB2. Used prices are under $5K for the monos. The Benchmark speaker cables are actually very good with these amps. I ended up using the Audience FrontRow speaker cables but the Benchmark SpeakON cables are really good and cost nothing compared to the FrontRow. The Schitt Tyr seems intriguing ever since I bough the much lower powered Aegir amp. My Aegir is now my long term headphone amp. The Tyr is more powerful and is said to sound similar to the Aegir. I just got their new headphone amp/preamp (not delivered yet) to go with the Aegir. Schitt is now a company I assume that their top end gear will sound great. |