Amp Recommendations

Hey everyone, 
I have been upgrading my home system, but then moved due to a new house for work. The power amp was the last one to be updated. After 3 Monoprice amps, instead of getting another warranty replacement, I decided to return and upgrade in the process. So needless to say, I need a new power amp to use for my set-up. I would prefer to stay around $5k or so, but flexible as needed and looking at both new and used. Room is a split use 70/30 music/movies that measures 14'x20' with vaulted ceilings (peaks around 14'), but opens to the kitchen/dining room behind which is another 11' deep. I had a 5.2.2 system at the old house and will probably do the same here, but will at least start with the 2.2 and go from there until I have time to get set-up and play with the set-up.

Speakers: Sonus Faber Serafino Tradition

Processor: Anthem AVM 70 8k





These speakers are rated at 4 ohm @ 90 db. Unsure if the impedance drops even lower during certain frequencies. An amp will be needed that can respond in kind. Perhaps a Bryson or an Odyssey amp would work within your stated budget. Both have great warranty timeframes.

Try a Van Alstine DVA SET 500. Great sound with music, good value, solid build, no frills, very powerful. 

As ususal great input and suggestions here ... I'd add Krell to the list.


I have a couple pieces of Odyssey gear that @wturkey suggested, very special!!


Cambridge Audio EDGE W. Yes, Cambridge Audio. While much of their gear is considered mid-fi for the budget conscious, their 50th anniversary EDGE line is their attempt a cost-no-object product line. The EDGE W is absolutely the best amplifier I’ve heard south of $5K, and I’ve heard a lot of amps. I am an authorized Cambridge Audio dealer and I say give these comments when also carrying much higher priced amplifiers like T+A and Margules. Happy to explain the amplifier’s performance capabilities in more detail if you want to PM me.