Music that has a hold of me beyond understanding

I just took a musical bath. I listened, for the umpteenth time, to Puccini's La Boheme. I can't begin to understand how someone could ever create such a thing of beauty. There are many 'songs' that compete in their individual beauty, but no other opera, play, or body of singing that even comes close, for me. You?


For me it would be the early Mannheim Steamroller Fresh Aire series, especially 1 & 2.  I am elevated to another place when seriously listening 1, 2 and even 3. used to confuse friends, co-workers, and the sudden stranger how spouse and I could go to the symphony on one weekend/evening....then the next excursion go to see and listen to 'something entirely Different', 180 out on any of the 4 planes.

One weekday, I 'cused self from work an hour early so we could 'go to dinner, and then go to a downtown concert for the evening...

"Sure, we're jealous already!  Who're you going to see tonight?"

"Garbage, really looking forward to it...."

Response?  Muted and somewhat confused....this office played a lot of Enya, and that of a similar style...

(...I actually enjoy a bit of Enya, but the steady diet....not so much.  Was looking forward to a 'hit' of loud in a smaller venue...)

"Garbage?   Uhh, who's....."

"They're a great group, we're fans....'Paranoid', 'Stupid Girl' loudness...*G*  See y'all in the AM, and thanks!"

( A couple of the younger workers were jealous, the owners....a bit confused.

Likely still are....) 

....I mean, what's Not to like....*smirk*

I Think I'm Paranoid, revisited remix....

25 years ago, after that?

I likely wouldn't have come back to work....Call In Dead, via a stranger....*LOL* ;)

In popular music i can listen Bob Dylan and Baez for a day....Or Elena Frolova...

There is poetry in their songs...

When music is simple i need poetry to go to ectasy... ( when there is poetry in a song i can even "understand" Russian otherwise i dont understand even english nor french )

Understanding is not what we think it is...

It is not always "catching" it is often "resonating" ...


RE: Tibetan singer

This I like every much. . . I can definitely feel it "resonating" !

In fact, because I do not understand the language, the music bypasses the mind and acts directly, on a purely vibrational level.

Ironically, in the West, "to be "out of one’s mind" is regarded as a tragedy.