Call your Qobuz Representative to Request DSD

DSD purveyors are slim. NativeDSD is the only dedicated place I've found since Acoustic Sounds closed its DSD doors, but Qobuz Download Store would be the perfect ave.

I've had some email discussions with Qobuz suggesting it would benefit them to offer DSD downloads.

If there are any DSDer's out there that are on Qobuz, email them and express your interest in DSD files.



I just cruised through bluecoast again and after 12 samples...I just think its tasteless....just my opinion but Im not a fan.

I think Native Dsd has some nice stuff. Delieter Ilg, Peo alfonsi, fausto mesolella, enzo pietropaoli....also nice chambe music and .....

Well I purchased "Chet" 128 DSD and it sounded identical to 96.

It makes sense, it cant be better that the original, but I guess I was hoping that if they were going through the trouble to produce a DSD file, that they had an original that was different than the run of the mill.

With that, I don't think I will purchase from HDTapeTransfers again.


Thanks for the suggestion though.