Looking for a Warmer Sounding Phono Cartridge

I've grown tired of the sound of high end MC cartridges. Detail aplenty, but I've begun to detest to the screechinesssssss.

No, my system is not biased that way. I'd consider my system neutral. Components are listed below. The Koetsu RS sounds wonderful. The other cartridges in my rotation are the Hana ML and the Shelter 901 MK III. These are not described in the literature as very etched sounding nor very detail rich. They are mostly characterized as neutral.
My ears no longer tolerate the highs, anything above 3KHz I would estimate. My hearing disappears at about 8KHz. I don't have any hearing problems except for the loss of higher frequencies. I find also that I'm not as interested in "getting everything that's on the vinyl". Not anymore. I want warmth with quality. I listen to the "audiophile" recordings, to R&R LPs from the 70s and classical and opera from all eras. Some LPs are very good, some not so, but performance overrides the defects. I want to continue to enjoy all of them.

So I'm searching for a good quality warm sounding cartridge, MM, MI, MC or some other, doesn't matter.

I've been researching the field and have come up with these candidates:

- GradoTimber Master 3
- Shelter 501 Mk III
- Soundsmith Zephyr MK III

I was pretty sold on the 501. based mostly on the article by Michael Fremer, but a very helpful contact at Upscale Audio turned me onto the other two. His advice sounds very sound and seems to come from experience with all three.

I would like to keep the discussion limited to the above three and to cartridges less than $1500 USD, unless there's a really great one that I've missed.

Thanks for your help.

My stuff:

Koetsu RS, Hana ML, and Shelter 901, Musical Surroundings Nova II phono pre. Alternate pre is Paragon System E (tubes) and a DIY SUT with Cinemg 1254 trans, sometimes Apt Holman Preamp 1, Technics SL-1200G, Denon DP-57L, Levinson #38s preamp, Rane EQ and Crossover, Bryston 2.5B cubed amp, Revel M105 bookshelf speakers, and HSU 15" Sub.

128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xkevemaher

Doesn’t the koetsu already meet your requirements?  That is one of the least strident, yet still reasonably clear sound cartridge on the market.  There are some Ortofons that are also rich and not very bright sounding, like the Quintet Bronze (the higher-priced Black is brighter and more strident), and if you had a tonearm that can take an SPU headshell, the Ortofon SPU cartridges would also probably fill your requirement.  It has been quite a while since I heard a Grado, but their older cartridges were also quite mellow and lacking a harsh and bright top end.

Sorry you are having trouble. I have struggled with walking that thin line between detail and harshness up to twenty years ago and since have progressively improved my system by moving up to better components on the natural / musical side.

Over the last ten or fifteen years my system has been warm, natural and detailed. I have run out of so many demonstrations with my hands clasped over my ears it is not funny… high end systems. So, I completely understand your point of view.

My inclination would be to discuss your system. But you said you did not want that. I use a Koetsu Rosewood Signature, it is a wonderful natural sounding cartridge. Probably why you like your Koetsu. You can see my system under my userID. I’d really be interested in seeing yours. Looks like you started to create them an stopped.

I thought the mention of Koetsu RS by the OP was the Rosewood Signature.  It is hard to think of anything more like what he is asking for than that cartridge—a great sounding, warm, rich, and not at all strident or bright device.  If even more of that quality is needed, perhaps other components need to be examined, like the phono stage.

I just purchased  an open box Grado Hi out-put sonata and I love it! I too was tired of MC carts they are great on good recordings but not so on others. I used a AT760 MM cart till it developed a hum on the right side and ill be sending it back for repair or replacement . The Sonata can be picked up for around 400 to 450 as a demo or open box . My first MI Cart and I'm sold!