The obsessional side has got nothing to do with cost, or ones aspiration to own much more costlier Audio Devices, the Commercial Sector Marketing Strategy has a great influence and is quite capable of a generating a Undertow of an individuals emotions.
Each individual has a threshold as a cap on their spending, each individual is met with a line in their spending they can’t really step over.
When the idea of owning something threatens ones security, especially impacting substantially on other areas of necessary funding to take part in general daily living, there is quite obviously something amiss. Again each individual will have to be honest with themselves on the harm a obsessional and uncontrolled spending regime is having on their security, their families security and the mental health of all being impacted on.
Obviously there are fewer individuals who have the disposable income or savings to consider being serious customers for mega buck purchases, which is the type of clientele Jay entertains.
What really matters is that the idea of owning Audio is not able to be an influence where it becomes an all consuming force on ones mindset and the indulgence in having Audio at hand is not responsible for causing serious financial impact in other areas of ones life.
I to date as a result of a overhaul to my way of thinking about Audio Equipment, have as an end product been able to remain loyal to most purchases and certainly have not felt they are failing in any way.
My Audio Equipment and Collection of Music have cost approx’ £70 - 80K over 40 Years. Again Approx’ £2K a year on average, on a Hobby that has been very enjoyable and rewarding.
I found my own way out of being obsessional about Audio Equipment. More than 15 years past, I enforced myself to cut my ties with using audio equipment personally.
During the Hiatus, I took on a different approach to Audio and become more social around the hobby.
Having developed a new outlook on Audio, which has become based on being a participant in social get togethers, I took the decision and returned to using the home audio system.
It was not long before I become convinced my earlier attitudes that had developed were quite shallow. All the energy being wasted on fantastical BS about equipment, was no longer a desirable attraction.
The change made was the best experience ever.
I may have seen the content within a commercial magazine about 5 times in the past 15+ years.
The resulting change off mindset, really did prove to be the Corner stone that enabled the Joys of experiencing Replaying Music Recordings with the Tools required to achieve this to be be totally fulfilling as a form of entertainment.
It is Interesting how the idea of exchanging the Tools to replay recordings become of very little importance over a short period of time.
Having had nearly 20 Years of a different mindset, I only see the use of Audio Equipment as a means to create a social gathering and share in the Joys of listening to recordings as group activity.
Each has their own experiences, desires to have a different experience and ultimately a story to tell.