Probable PayPal Claim


I posted this question on someone else’s ongoing thread where PayPal was in question. So I’m starting my own thread here in hopes of getting someone in the know to answer.

Fortunately I have not had a PayPal problem up until maybe now. I just purchased a DAC on USAM . Paid using PayPal (not f&f) so I’d have protection in case I needed it. Well it looks like I may. DAC arrived and all functions do not work, as advertised. It was properly packed same as it came from the factory and box was perfect so very unlikely it could be blamed as shipping damage. It was listed 10/10 and the seller through presale emails reconfirmed everything worked properly. I’ve demanded he take the unit back and give me a full refund. It’s been several days and now the seller is saying he’s waiting to get authorization to send it back to the manufacturer for warranty repairs, which is not my problem, before he refunds my money. I’ve run out of patience and considering filing a PayPal claim. If I file a claim, and can substantiate it, which I can, does anyone know if PayPal will refund my money or at least freeze the funds until we reach a resolution?



That’s ok. The only reason I asked cause if we know the problem, we could possibly offer alternate solution; maybe it’s an easy fix. I been through the dispute process and it’s not fun.
Good luck! 

@lalitk already looked into easy fix.  Not possible.  Has to be sent in for warranty repair.  So it looks like the claim is inevitable.  And I know its not going to be a pleasant process  Hoping to see the refund in my account today, but also know that its wishful thinking and that I will probably have to file a claim tomorrow.

Telling paypal that you worked with the seller to try to resolve but was unsuccessful is appropriate.  "not as described" with supporting documentation will get you your money back.

I've sold and bought ten's of thousands of transactions via paypal and I've always been on the winning side both selling and buying because I always stayed on the high road.  paypal once absorbed $10K loss from a scammer because i followed all the rules.


Post removed 


Up to you whether you want to tell the seller know that you will file a claim. I would not, due to you have given the seller time to resolve the issue.

To be clear, you won’t receive your refund right away when you file a claim. As I stated earlier, PayPal will give the seller time to respond and they may ask you for further follow up questions possibly. PayPal will make the ruling based on responses from both buyer and seller. The whole process will take up to a few weeks depending on how soon each party responds. Once you file a claim with PayPal, you will live with its decision and it is considered final.