Trenner & Friedle ART/Ella or Devore 9 or O/93?

I've read much about both; I've heard TF ARTS and the Devores; I like both quite a bit. I'll have to wait until they show up used here on Agon (which isn't that often, I realize - and yes, I know at the time of this posting there's a pair of Ellas up for sale), but what opinions or feedback/impressions could you give for each?

I'm using an LSA Statement integrated with Reference 3A de Capo BE monitors as my current set-up. Small listening room. Mostly folk, jazz, and singer-songwriter, with occasional forays into good, melodic rock.
I really enjoy my O93s. To my surprise I like them even better than my Verity Parsifals. I drive them using a Coincident 211 Dragon Monoblocks.

I heard the T&F Pharaoh and the O93 at RMAF 2013 both in different rooms with different electronics. I much preferred the O93s. The Pharaoh sounded a bit dry in comparison to me, but like I said different electronics.
I have tried both and own O96's. I enjoy both the big difference would be the tweeters silk vs metal, and the T&F Pharaoh has a port facing down so you can place them closer to the back wall than the O's. The T&F would be more fussy over having top quality recordings as well I would say.
Thank you all got the feedback. As it turns out, I ended up just now buying a new pair of Acoustic Zen Adagios. Financially and logistically and sonically they teally shone through the murk of the moment. They should be delivered early July!