ECM has different branches or streams. It’s quite possible to enjoy one branch and not another...
You have just defined my experience with ECM
Jazz for aficionados
Yes -- the language itself is undeniably clear. However, exactly which ECM albums might qualify for these adjectives is, to some degree, open to interpretation. While I’ve certainly heard music on this label that, from my perspective, fits such a description, I don’t know you well enough to presume which ECM albums fit this category within the context of your taste. That's all I was getting at.
Is that on ECM? I've lost track of when he started releasing music on his own label. There are at least two D. H. Big Band releases. I caught that group live Yoshi's but actually prefer his Octet: In any event, it's hard to go wrong with D. Holland! Here's a link to his discography from his website;