I Am Not an Audio Snob

Over the course of my 15+ years in the Forums, I have been called an "audio snob" a few times. Perhaps it was my attitude with the equipment being discussed, but I really am not sure. Which brings me to discuss my most recent purchase, a Schiit Lokius 6 band EQ. I ordered it last Friday afternoon (9-15-23) and received it on the following Monday! When I ordered it, the shipping time was 1-3 days and I received it in only 3 days.

My office system is 50% McIntosh, perhaps that is where audio snob came from, although Mac is no better or worse than other comparatively priced equipment. I am running the new JBL L100 Classic on their dedicated stands and supplement the bass with a single SVS PB2000 Pro sub. The room is extremely difficult, being on the second floor of my house and it is a big room. It has 3 dormers and slanted ceilings and the height of the ceiling is 18 feet. I have wall hangings on the slanted wall behind my speakers and various other wall hangings and some GIK room tuning treatments.

I was using a Bellari 4 band EQ in this system prior to my new purchase. First off, the Lokius is very nice, well built, high level of fit and finish for its price. It is dead quiet, and the controls are set up so you can’t screw up the sound too much. A few twists of the knobs here and there, and I am very happy. This was all in all, a very pleasant experience dealing with Schiit Audio. While I have no plans to make any further purchases, one never knows. I hope this puts the Audio snob to rest.


I have read many of your posts and never thought you came off like that.   Everyone here loves audio , I know I do.     I have no problem spending money on what to me has been great gear.  My kids are gone, bills are low , and sometimes  I will sacrifice in other areas to procure a great piece.   

You usually hear good things about Schiit,  seems like excellent bang for the buck.  

I also love great values.    I am throttling back as my system is pretty good right now but I needed a sub that wouldn't break the bank for TV and movies.  My  main speakers don't really need a sub but sometimes it's great to have.   I am sure that Earthquake gets very little respect but I just picked up their MiniMe 12" sub and It's quite good.   Actually amazing for the $640 price. 

No you are not. I have found your posts to be very down to earth and not condescending like some. Granted I have not been around long but find your contributions to be very positive.

Thank you. 


I put 17 straws inside the porthole at the back of my box speakers...😁

I glued a cardboard paper roll around the twitter to increase focus ...😁

I put bricks on top for damping and under them with cork and minerals to iso0late them and with "golden plate" (shungite+copper) all around them ... I put some golden plates on the connectors with quartz...😁

I put wood panels beside each speakers on my desk to decouple each speakers and decrease some level of crosstalks...I listen near field...😁

I use a low cost dac synergetical a NOS one , with these low cost active speakers with 4 inches driver with official 85 hertz of specs now going 50 hertz thanks to the straw bundle... 😊

Call me an audio snob....Or crazy....

Or not....

I am happy as hell....

No upgrade needed...

Cost: peanuts...


My post is right if this thread is not about Schiit product only but about audio snobs... If not , if it is about schiit only i will delete my post on demand by the OP...

My best to him ...