unclassifiable, original music, and impossible to define in simple terms...

It will be useful to have a location and a thread about music we love without being able to describe it by a conventional tag:




My first example , Revolutionary Army of the Infant Jesus - The Gift of Tears :



Mongolian Heavy Metal.

This is certainly something I had no idea existed, but I find it strangely hypnotic.


Interesting video.... The world is one it seems , mongolian heavy metal....😁😊


....my playlist....is the other end....(ends, actually)....of the spectrums.....

"Can you dance to it?"  Purrrhaps....

"Will it put me to sleep?"  Comatose is more accurate, in some aspects....

"Is ripping off my clothing a possibility?"  As long as I don't have to watch, unless I've got the rights to the videos....

Then, sign here, and have@it.... Any damage will be your response and abilities...

@mahgister .... Now, Mongoloid Hvy. Mental....

THAT....I've got...;)