I'd definitely lean towards a preamp...a very good one. It'd be good to get input from either Atma-Sphere, and/or someone very familiar with optimizing those amps.
Help and opinions needed on pre-amp situation
For this one, I would like to hear from enthusiats instead of people who sell stuff. I’ve been using integrated amplifiers for all my years in this "hobby." I recently went to mono blocks- a pair of the class D Atma-Shpere’s to be specific. I’m using balanced XLR connections straight from a Lumin S1 streamer/dac/preamp into the mono blocks using Lumin’s LeedH volume processing deal. It’s a nice and simple setup with nothing else in the signal path.
The question is: am I missing out on better sound by leaving out an Atma-Sphere MP-3.3 tube preamp? Will adding a preamp improve, diminish, or retain the existing sound quality- as far as soundstage, imaging, depth, tonal balance etc is concerned? This preamp deal is not cheap (for me). Has anyone been in this situation? Did the preamp improve the sound, keep it the same, or make it worse? Am I better off just leaving it as-is with my minimalistic setup?
A couple of other things to consider:
My turntable is collecting dust since changing over to the mono blocks, I didn’t listen to vinyl often even with the integrated since my digital front sound better then my vinyl gear. If it made $ense, it would be nice to have the ability to listen to vinyl again.
At some point I may also have to connect a projector to my system to play audio. Then the issue becomes that projectors do not have balanced XLR output. Most are HDMI. I’m not sure if the MP-3 preamp will work or if a different preamp is better choice here etc. I’d like to keep with the same brand for obvious reasons if possible.
Has anyone been in this situation before and pulled the trigger? If you have- your input, suggestions, and opinions would be greatly appreciated.
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- 34 posts total
Yes , the preamp is the heart and soul of your system. I'm having g a DHT preamp built now that will most likely be my last. . I bought a Zesto Leto and it was an amazing preamp. I sold it to fund my next pre , that should be done in a few months . The DAC with volume is OK but I think you are missing a lot with digital volume. |
My DAC has volume capability (ESS Sabre implementation) and XLR. My Mullard’d tube pre does not support XLR. Using Audio Quest Red River XLR cables and Morrow MA4 interconnects I flipped back and forth between XLR DAC direct and My Tube pre with the Marrows. I preferred the sound with the Pre. Waited about 6 months and took the pre out of the chain and yet again I returned to the pre. I just like the sound with the pre in the chain. Streaming Qobuz via Roon , dedicated SGC ST i5 and a Bryston endpoint. What @ghdprentice said. My pre added a "richness" to the sound. |
I compared the LeedH volume control of the Lumin X1 (I owned it) with my Benchmark LA4. The LeedH volume control was almost as good as the LA4. The only place it failed, and this is likely unimportant, is at very low volume when you increase the volume. It does not increase in constant increments until it gets to a certain level, then it is as expected. Most won’t notice this because it is a low volume issue. The Lumin X1 was the best DAC direct-to-amp I owned. I usually hate ALL DACs direct to amp, especially compared to the LA4. I used the X1 into the LA4 which was the best. The volume on the LA4 is as good as it gets for me. I recently owned close to 8 preamps from $700 to $7500 and the LA4 is my fav. I also own a Holo Serene and it is a carbon copy of the LA4 (with less features) and a bit of warmth. I would use these 2 preamps with ANY amp. I also have a preamp I use for headphones, but it is also great on 2-channel to my MagTech amp and Magnepan LRS+ speakers. It is the pure Class A Schitt Mjonir 3, Schiit Audio: Audio Products Designed and Built in Texas and California It is a warmer preamp than the LA4 or Serene. I compare it favorably to my now sold CODA 07x preamp. The Schitt maybe better for my tastes. I bet it would sound great with the Atma-sphere amps and at only $1200. Much better for me than the Schitt Freya+ (now sold)
I you are thinking of using your projector to listen to audio then consider the D.B0B. When my SACD/CD player died (Sony SCD-1) I bought the $799 D.BOB and I can now play CD and SACD disks using a $200 used Oppo SACD player. I take the HDMI output from the Oppo into the D.BOB. The D.DOB then outputs SPDIF into my Schitt Yggi+ Less is More DAC (like it more than the Lumin X1). The Yggi+ is connected to my Holo Serene preamp which connects to my MagTech amp. The D.BOB is a superb sounding unit which can decode DSD. I had some consideration of spending $6k more to add a SACD transport option to a DAC I will soon buy for my Livingroom system. However, given how good the D.BOB is I have saved myself that money.
- 34 posts total