Aurender A20 or Lumin X1

I considering one of these as my next DAC/streamer. From a purely technical perspective, which one should I buy?


If Roon is a must for you, then it's simple -- pick Lumin. If not, flip a coin. They're both excellent companies with an established track record. The differences in SQ will be negligible and down to personal preferences.

P.S. Or you can wait until Aurender becomes Roon-ready.

I can tell you from personal experience that the N200 and TPlus is a magical combination and betters the A20 not to mention as already said by many above much more versatile. 

@yyzsantabarbara appreciate the education/information. That Roon forum thread was the only place I had heard Aurender becoming Roon Ready. Had my hopes up.

I spoke with my guy at Upscale Audio about a week ago on this subject and he called their Aurender rep who confirmed that the Roon-Aurender marriage is going to happen in the near future. He told me that the Aurender folks are very responsive to any questions or problems.

As others have penned it’s X1 for Roon. Full disclosure I bought a used X1 and I’am bery happy. 
I have listened to both but not in the same room and it’s the room (the while shebang) that matters most.